A Fresh Look

Bob, I've been going through your series on "A Fresh Look at the Last Days" and I absolutely love your videos. In my opinion, the kindest, most humble, and straight-forward teachings out there on the subject of “New Testament Prophecy”...hands down! I've thoroughly enjoyed each YouTube video. These videos would never make anyone feel talked down to. You have a way of bringing the subject in a candid, relaxed manner that is non-offensive. If I was to meet someone who is interested in the Last Days subject, and they wanted some online study material, I'd gladly point them to your videos as top choice. God has given you the gift of teaching my friend, indeed.
Sincerely, Brian
After many years of being perplexed about why the apostles taught that Jesus was coming in their time, but didn't. I accepted the explanation... they misunderstood. But Jesus trained them for 3+ years, spent 40 days with them after he rose, AND they were baptized with the Holy Spirit to "to teach and bring all to remembrance what I told you". But they got it wrong, and didn't understand. Never mind that they wrote infallible Scripture. This doesn’t add up: Jesus, the apostles, and scripture all say the end was near, and that Jesus return was at hand, BUT, we know it didn't happen. Right? Well there is a better, more understandable explanation of this in Bob Nolan's book or YouTube series, “A Fresh Look at the Last Days”. This is a Fresh Look that explains a better understanding of the end times. It's an enjoyable read / view with humor blended in. If you see this explanation, you will have a happier and more complete understanding of eschatology. Enjoy!
Jim, Burton, Ohio